Thursday, October 30, 2014


As you all know we are devastated by the loss of our nephew Vincent. When I left he was a happy-go-lucky, bright-eyed little boy with sports and dogs on his mind. He became a handsome, confident and courageous young man with a witty sense of humor that made himself and others laugh at the saddest of times. I know that you all know how special he is by the tremendous support that you have shown to him, and for him, on his sickest days and even now. But he is so, so much more than any of us knew and the hole in our hearts will never heal until we join him again.

I believe in God our Heavenly Father and I am always humbled by his love and his mercy. But I must say for those of us that love God whatever reason he has, whatever special mission that he chose for Vincent; it is not a good enough reason to take Vincent from his loving parents, his brother, his grandparents and the rest of our family and community.

We have all heard the sympathetic people say, "God needed another angel" or, "He has suffered long enough." Well, he was not suffering before he got cancer and God could have made his own angel. He did not have to take ours.

So even if God sent an envoy from Heaven to explain the reason why he took our Vincent he would fall short. There could be no reason that would justify taking Vincent at 15; or other children at one, two, five, ten, or all of the ages that we still consider children.

I am heartbroken, confused and mad at our loss of Vincent. Why couldn't we get our miracle? Then I remember God our Heavenly Father sent his only son our savior Jesus Christ to be crucified on the cross so that in dying we are born in Eternal Life.

So Vincent, while your spirit plays soccer and hockey in paradise and you quad through the cosmos, we all count the days until we will join you again. You are our hero. You are a warrior. We will miss you and love you forever.

All My Love,
Uncle Tommy

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